RCA Technicl Manual
- Transmittig Tubes -
1.オレンジレッド ■
Plates shows orange-red color when the tube operated at maximum CCS ratings.
- 4-65A, 4-125A, 4-250A, 4-400A, 4-1000A, 4E27/8001, 826, 833A
2.チェリーレッド ■
Plates shows cherry-red color when the tube operated at maximum CCS ratings.
- 4E27A/5-125B, 808
3.やっと目でわかる赤色 ■
Plates shows barely perceptible red color when the tube operated at maximum CCS ratings.
- 803
4.色が付かないもの ■
Plates show no color when the tube operated at maximum CCS or ICAS rating.
- 3C33, 829B, 804, 805, 807, 813, 815, 832A, 6146
Plate shows barely perceptible red color when tube in operated at maximum CCS ratings, and
cherry-red color at maximun ICAS ratings.
- 810
Plate shows no color when tube in operated at maximum CCS ratings, and
barely perceptible red color at maximun ICAS ratings.
- 809, 811A, 812A, 814
The plate may show a barely discernible red color in dark room.
| 固定リンク
- RAYTHEON 6KN6=6KD6ではないかという考察(2023.02.14)
- 昭和30年の5球スーパーレストア(2013.01.07)
- ケノトロン(2012.02.01)
- 4-400Aリニアアンプ動作中!!(2011.10.08)
- 新種の真空管を発掘(2011.01.20)